
h-index: 9; documenti: 24; citazioni: 318

  1. Dagani J, Iozzino L, Ferrari C, Boero ME, Geroldi C, Giobbio GM, Maggi P, Melegari A, Sattin G, Signorini M, Zanetti O, de Girolamo G. (2015) What is the course of behavioural symptoms and func-tional conditions in hospitalised older people with dementia? A multi-centre cohort study in Italy. European Geriatric Medicine 2015; 6(6):554–560.
  1. Carmassi C, Dell’Osso L, Candini V, Dagani J, Iozzino L, de Girolamo G.  (2014) Frequency of trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress disorders in Italy: results from the World Mental Health Survey Initiative. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 59: 77–84. (19 times cited in Web of Science Core Collection)
  1. Picardi A, Lega I, Candini V, Dagani J, Iozzino L, de Girolamo G. (2014) Monitoring and evaluation of the Italian Mental Health System: the PROGRES study and beyond. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 202(6):451-9.
  1. de Girolamo G, Candini V, Buizza C, Ferrari C, Boero ME, Giobbio GM, Goldschimdt N, Greppo S, Iozzino L, Maggi P, Melegari A, Pasqualetti P, Rossi G (2014) Is psychiatric residential facility discharge possible and predictable? A multivariate analytical approach applied to a prospective study in Italy. Journal of Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 49(1):157-67.
  1. Candini V, Buizza C, Ferrari C, Boero ME, Giobbio GM, Goldschmidt N, Greppo S, Iozzino L, Maggi P, Melegari A, Pasqualetti P, Rossi G, de Girolamo G; PERDOVE group (2015) Violent behavior of patients living in psychiatric residential facilities: a comparison of male patients with different violence histories. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 39:46-51.
  1. Lanfredi M, Candini V, Buizza C, Ferrari C, Boero ME, Giobbio GM, Goldschmidt N, Greppo S, Iozzino L, Maggi P, Melegari A, Pasqualetti P, Rossi G, de Girolamo G. and the PERDOVE group (2014) The effect of service satisfaction and spiritual well-being on the quality of life of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatric Research, 216(2):185-91.
  1. Iozzino L, Ferrari C, Large M, Nielssen O, de Girolamo G (2015) Prevalence and Risk Factors of Violence by Psychiatric Acute Inpatients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0128536. (73 times cited in Web of Science Core Collection).
  1. Ruggeri M, Iozzino L (2016) Moving towards community mental healthcare – the Italian experience. Die Psychiatrie – Grundlagen und Perspektiven, 13(1):15-2.
  1. de Girolamo G, Buizza C, Sisti D, Ferrari C, Bulgari V, Iozzino L, Boero ME, Cristia-no G, De Francesco A, Giobbio GM, Maggi P, Rossi G, Segalini B, Can-dini V; VIORMED-1 Group (2016) Monitoring and predicting the risk of violence in residential facilities. No difference between patients with history or with no history of violence. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 24(80):5-13.
  1. Bulgari V, Iozzino L, Ferrari C, Picchioni M, Candini V, De Francesco A, Maggi P, Segalini B, de Girolamo G; VIORMED-1 Group (2017) Clinical and neuropsychological features of violence in schizophrenia: A prospective cohort study. Schizophrenia Research, 181:124-130.
  1. Lasalvia A, Bonetto C, Lenzi J, Rucci P, Iozzino L, Cellini M, Comacchio C, Cristofalo D, D’Agostino A, de Girolamo G, De Santi K, Ghigi D, Leuci E, Miceli M, Meneghelli A, Pileggi F, Scarone S, Santonastaso P, Torresani S, Tosato S, Veronese A, Fioritti A, Ruggeri M; GET UP Group (2017) Predictors and moderators of treatment outcome in patients receiving multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis: results from the GET UP pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 210(5):342-349.
  1. Lenzi J, Iozzino L, De Girolamo G, Rucci P, Tosato S, Lasalvia A, Bonetto C, Ruggeri M (2017) Predictors of 9-month hospitalization in patients with first-episode affective and non-affective psychosis. Results from the GET UP pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial. Schizophrenia Research, 190:187-188.
  1. Bottesi G, Candini V, Ghisi M, Bava M, Bianconi G, Bulgari V, Carrà G, Cavalera C, Conte G, Cricelli M, Ferla MT, Iozzino L, Macis A, Stefana A, de Girolamo G; VIORMED-2 Group (2019) Personality, Schizophrenia, and Violence: A Longitudinal Study: The Second Wave of the VIORMED Project. Journal of Personality Disorders, 14:1-19
  1. Bulgari V, Ferrari C, Pagnini F, de Girolamo G, Iozzino L. Aggression in mental health residential facilities: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Aggression and Violent Behavior, 41:119-127.
  1. Tonna M, Ossola P, Marchesi C, Bettini E, Lasalvia A, Bonetto C, Lenzi J, Rucci P, Iozzino L, Cellini M, Comacchio C, Cristofalo D, D’Agostino A, de Girolamo G, De Santi K, Ghigi D, Leuci E, Miceli M, Meneghelli A, Pileggi F, Scarone S, Santonastaso P, Torresani S, Tosato S, Veronese A, Fioritti A, Ruggeri M; GET UP Group (2019) Dimensional structure of first episode psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 13(6):1431-1438.
  1. Barlati S, Stefana A, Bartoli F, Bianconi G, Bulgari V, Candini V, Carrà G, Cavalera C, Clerici M, Cricelli M, Ferla MT, Ferrari C, Iozzino L, Macis A, Vita A, de Girolamo G; VIORMED-2 Group (2019) Violence risk and mental disorders (VIORMED-2): A prospective multicenter study in Italy. Plos ONE 14(4): e0214924.
  1. Martinelli A, Iozzino L, Ruggeri M, Marston L, Killaspy H (2019) Mental health supported accommodation services in England and in Italy: a comparison. Journal of Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 54(11):1419-1427.
  1. Bulgari V, Bava M, Gamba G, Bartoli F, Ornaghi A, Candini V, Ferla MT, Cricelli M, Bianconi G, Cavalera C, Conte G, Stefana A, Picchioni M, Iozzino L, Crocamo C, Carrà G (2019) Facial emotion recognition in people with schizophrenia and a history of violence: a mediation analysis. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, May 20. doi: 10.1007/s00406-019-01027-8. [Epub ahead of print].
  1. Scocco P, Macis M, Ferrari C, Bava M, Bianconi G, Bulgari V, Candini V, Carrà G, Cavalera C, Clerici M, Conte G, Cricelli M, Ferla MT, Iozzino L, Stefana A & de Girolamo G (2019) Self-harm behaviour and externally-directed aggression in psychiatric outpatients: a multicentre, prospective study (Viormed-2 study). Scientifc Reports, 9(1):17857.
  1. Gobbi E, Cotelli M, Manenti R, Ferrari C, Macis A, Bianconi G, Candini V, Clerici M, Ferla MT, Iozzino L, Vita A, de Girolamo G. (2020) Neuropsychological features in patients with severe mental disorders and risk of violence: A prospective multicenter study in Italy. Psychiatry Res. 7; 289:113027.
  1. di Giacomo E, Stefana A, Candini V, Bianconi G, Canale L, Clerici M, Conte G, Cricelli M, Ferla MT, Iozzino L, Sbravati G, Tura GB, Micciolo R, & de Girolamo G for the VIORMED-2 Group (2020) Prescribing patterns of psychotropic drugs and risk of violent behaviour: a prospective, multicentre study in Italy. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol., 23(5):300-310.
  1. Candini V, Ghisi M, Bianconi G, Bulgari V, Carcione A, Cavalera C, Conte G, Cricelli M, Ferla MT, Ferrari C, Iozzino L, Macis A, Nicolò G, Stefana A, de Girolamo G; VIORMED-2 Group. (2020) Aggressive behavior and metacognitive functions: a longitudinal study on patients with mental disorders. Ann Gen Psychiatry, 3;19:36.
  1. Cavalera C, Ferrari C, Bianconi G, Bulgari V, Candini V, Carrà G, Clerici M, Conte G, Cricelli M, Ferla MT, Iozzino L, Macis A, Stefana A, Ornaghi A, de Girolamo G; VIORMED-2 Group (2020). Substance use disorders and violent behaviour in patients with severe mental disorders: A prospective, multicentre study. Aust N Z J Psychiatry., 13:4867420963732.

Capitoli di Libri

Bertani MB, Ira E, Cristofalo D, Bonetto C, Comacchio C, De Santi K, Iozzino L, Poli S, Tosato S, Zoppei S, Lasalvia A, Ruggeri M (2016). Procedure di valutazione del primo episodio psicotico nell’ambito del programma strategico GET UP. In: Le Prime Fasi della Psicosi. Manuale per la formazione dei professionisti, il trattamento e la valutazione dell’esito nei dipartimenti di salute mentale. Pensiero Scientifico Editore.

di Giacomo E, Iozzino L, Ferrari C, Strozza C, Large M, Nielssen O & de Girolamo G (2019) Prevalence and Risk Factors of Violence by Psychiatric Acute Inpatients: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis—A 2019 Update. In Violence and Mental Disorders, Springer.